FIEGE 2022 Sustainability Report

Together on a journey

We have been in motion for 150 years. And what moves us, is the future. Join us on our sustainable journey to a better tomorrow.

Hello, come along!

Join us on our exciting journey to a better future. On the road with responsibility for our employees and our home: the earth.

„We want to pass on our family business to the next FIEGE generation as a climate neutral and economically healthy company. Sustainability is a central pillar of our corporate strategy – and we think in three dimensions: ecological, economic, and social.“
Felix & Jens Fiege

Our approach to corporate sustainability

Thinking of Tomorrow, Today

Based on numerous discussions with our Executive Board, employees, customers, suppliers, NGOs, academics and our partners, we were able to identify a total of three fields of action and seven focus topics as part of a materiality analysis that are most relevant for FIEGE's sustainability development this year. Based on these topics, we can analyze and evaluate existing efforts in order to intensify and further develop them.

Field of action 1

We have something for you: our appreciation.

Focus topics
1.1 Working conditions
1.2 Training & Development
Field of action 2

We did a double count: We have only one planet Earth!

Focus topics
2.1 Climate action & environmental protection
2.2 Resource efficiency
Field of action 3

We’ll pass it on. By co-operating on equal terms.

Focus topics
3.1 Sustainable corporate governance
3.2 Innovation & co-operation
3.3 Social engagement
FIEGE Sustainability Report 2023

Detailed information, figures and content on all fields of action can be found in the full Sustainability Report 2023.